Wallrafplatz 4
50667 Köln
Merzenich is a bakery chain - we saw several when we were walking around Cologne. While we had a couple of sandwiches there that were completely ordinary, we also had a couple of really amazing specialties. First up is the Schinken-Käsebrötchen, a glorified ham and cheese roll. It's basically a yeasty roll smothered in a blanket of cheese and bacon pieces. What's not to love about that? The other spectacle was the Käse-Kirschkuchen, which was a cake, split in half and filled with vanilla cream and cherry jam, and then covered in powdered sugar. It sounds disgustingly sweet, but surprisingly I found it very balanced, with the mild vanilla cream and tart cherry filling. If I had more stomach space I would have tried more things, but alas. The picture of bunny pastries is only up because I thought they were adorable (and very appropriate for Easter, obviously).
Merzenich is a bakery chain - we saw several when we were walking around Cologne. While we had a couple of sandwiches there that were completely ordinary, we also had a couple of really amazing specialties. First up is the Schinken-Käsebrötchen, a glorified ham and cheese roll. It's basically a yeasty roll smothered in a blanket of cheese and bacon pieces. What's not to love about that? The other spectacle was the Käse-Kirschkuchen, which was a cake, split in half and filled with vanilla cream and cherry jam, and then covered in powdered sugar. It sounds disgustingly sweet, but surprisingly I found it very balanced, with the mild vanilla cream and tart cherry filling. If I had more stomach space I would have tried more things, but alas. The picture of bunny pastries is only up because I thought they were adorable (and very appropriate for Easter, obviously).
here's a burger place in london for you to try when you get back from germany!